Community Garden Area, Wild Atlantic Way Signage. and other matters.
Island Residents who have nurtured the community garden area in North Harbour who were disappointed by plans to place Wild Atlantic Way signage directly in front, thus blocking the views towards and from the garden will be very glad to hear that, following efforts by our Community Council Representative Fiona Mac Lachlainn that a public meeting is to be held next Saturday 5 December at 3pm to discuss this matter and to formulate alternative proposals.It should also be clarified that the initial decision to place the signs in this area were taken by Fáilte Ireland and not Cork County Council as initially indicated and that in this matter the Council are acting as facilitators for Fáilte Ireland. The meeting will commence at 3pm at the garden area and will move indoors to the Club/Cistin thereafter. It has also been clarified that the proposed text for the signage is to be made available in advance.
Since this meeting relates to the garden area another matter which has been awaiting a public/community discussion for some time will also be discussed. This is the question of the nearby Gallán/Pillar stone in North Harbour. While all will commend the measures taken to protect the stone during the current harbour works the stone has already been damaged on two previous occasions and continues to be very vulnerable to traffic. The stone is not in its original location as it is understood that it was placed in its current spot following the construction of the harbor wall in 1959. Archeological advice has been received that in these circumstances ( to safeguard the monument) that permission would be forthcoming to move the stone to a safer location and that in line with current best practice it should not be placed in concrete but rather directly into soil. It would seem therefor that this area is the most appropriate location for the stone in future. Given the understandable sensitivities it was recommended that the matter should be discussed at a community meeting before progressing any further.
This communit y garden has featured on various occasions in this blog not only because of the voluntary contributions towards its upkeep but also for significant community events which take place there. Indeed, in recent days there has been a further welcome contribution in the form of a beautiful leaded glass lantern which includes some of the stained glass from the church lovingly crafted by Doris Uí Liodáin, who together with Ferdia have for years restored the painting on the figures on the nearby shrine to a very high standard.
Residents who have expressed disappointed by the recent erection of another sign in South Harbour to promote the ‘Green Beach’ will be also be glad to hear that moves are afoot to move the sign to a less obtrusive location. Islanders will know that this beach has been maintained in pristine condition for many years by unstinting and unsung voluntary effort.
Our records indicate that the Wild Atlantic Way Project appears to have made a very positive contribution towards tourism in this area and we very much welcome and support this excellent initiative by Fáilte Ireland. There is not doubt that issues relating to signage can be resolved following a respectful dialog between all concerned.