Work has continued unabated throughout the Summer on the new harbour. Much of the work has been of a preparatory nature with not a lot yet to show with a great deal of rock breaking and clearing under water in the area where the proposed storm gate is to be installed. This has been slow and potentially dangerous work but thankfully given the attention to health and safety on site has been accomplished without incident. Things are looking more exciting again with preparations now underway for the installation of the precast structure for the storm gate and to this end a large steel structure has been prepared on site which shall be placed in the area of the proposed gate and used to contain the forms for the installation of the concrete bed. This will necessitate closign off the entrance to the inner harbour for a period of a week or ten days or such and is planned for the coming weeks. This is delicate and difficult work and we wish the contractors every success with this important phase of the operation. Meanwhile a temporary access is being constructed at the inner western side of the main pier to allow for temporary access while pile driving takes place along the inner part of the pier which is currently subsiding.
Photos show the steel frame and the temporary access currently under construction