Congratulations to Cailín Óir Skipper Niamh Ni Drisceoil whose spectacular video of a basking shark in South Harbour, Cape Clear, yesterday 17 June went viral. The vide shows the mature basking shark happily grazing ( plankton feeder) while surrounded by swimmers and kayakers. It has been a spectacular year to date for sightings of cetaceans, especially minke whales a nd porpoises, both seen in abundance in recent weeks. Cailin Óir would caution swimmers and kayakers from approaching these spectacular creatures too closely, they remain unpredictable to us and are best enjoyed at an appropriate safe distance as per guidelines issued by the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group and others. Assuming that this stretch of fine weather continues those who frequent the seas around Cape Clear Island over the next weeks and including our regular Fastnet Trips stand an excellent chance of seeing these creatures. Alternatively the viewing area from eastern point above South Harbour, approached via the Red Walking Loop has rewarded many visitors with spectacular and abundant signings of minkes and dolphins in recent weeks.
The author, yesterday, with a companion sailed out from South Harbour yesterday to make a circumnavigation of much of the North Bay, sailing inside Castle Island ( close to Schull) and landing there for lunch enjoyed while taking in the spectacular view back towards Cape Clear and the various Islands in between. Returning through the Calf Islands and making of number of tacks to reach the Gascannane Sound we were entertained enroute by numerous sightings of mikes at 300m as we approached the sound and while in the Gascannane itself found ourselves accompanied by numerous dolphins dashing around in the turbulent waters and on one occasion streaking right across our bow. After safely reaching South Harbor in early evening and as we rowed our punt back to shore, tired and hungry by happy my companion suddenly ejected 'what's that ?'. My answer, I think, reflected the sense of occasion, " That is the icing on the cake" as it was of course the same large basking shark seen by so many earlier in the day.
Its always good on the Cape but these days its truly glorious.
See Irish independent